We Know How Amendments & Business Name Changes Work

Hire CPA CLINICS Only to Do Business Name Change or Amendments

Expert Staff

With years of in-hand experience, we know what to include and where and when to file to get your business name changed or get the amendments done.

Trustworthy Business Partner

Aren’t you looking for a company that can manage all your business amendments and get name changed expertly? Then, CPA CLINICS is the best amongst all.

Express Service

Only CPA CLINICS offers express service in filing change of your business name and amendments. We have everything ready, all we need is your information.

Experienced Business Name Change & Amendments Experts You Need

With us, you do not have to focus on these things. Once provided with the details let us handle the rest and you keep your focus on your business. 
Our experienced staff can handle the paperwork easily & professionally.

Business Name Change
Sometimes you need to change a business name because of your competitor(s) or if you want to set up a new course. The business name change process requires paperwork filing with the state. Let us help you file an application for business name change or any amendments.

Company Information Update
Some states have a policy of submitting the paperwork to update the company’s basic information. This includes an office address, list of directors, or a list of authorized resource(s). This is not an easy task because a lot of paperwork are required to be done. Let our experts handle this for you.

Issuance of New Shares
If you are planning to get new shares issued for your company, then you need to submit documents with the state. We surely can help you with the paperwork and offload your burden.

Rectify Mistakes
If you have made any mistake while submitting your documents, then you need to need to file an amendment. It could be a spelling or any other mistake it can be rectified by filing amendment application with the state.

Amendments And Name Change FAQ'S

How Do I Change The Company Name On An Amendment?

An LLC or corporation can request to change the business name by filing a document called “articles of amendment.” Your company can work under a new name after approval.

What Is The Difference Between Amending And Change?

If you are looking for a small amendment in your business name then you need to submit article of amendment to do so. A Change is where you have to completely transform your name. A company is not allowed to change or amend until the Article of Amendment is approved.

How Do I Amend An Entity Name?

You need to check with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office for the new name. These are the steps to Change Your Business Name:

  1. Notify your Secretary of State.
  2. Change Licenses and Permits.
  3. Notify the IRS.
  4. Apply For a New EIN.
  5. Update Your Business Documents.
  6. Communicate With Your Customers.
Does EIN Change If The Business Name Changes?

A new EIN is required when there is a change in ownership or structure. However, a new EIN is not required when there is only a Business Name Change.

Can I Change My Business Name Without Changing My EIN?

When you change your business name, you generally do not have to file for a new EIN.

An Amendment or business name change doesn’t require filing documentation for a new EIN. Instead, you submit an EIN name change. If the change happens soon after the annual tax return filing, you need to notify the IRS through a signed notification.

What Is An Amendment In Business?

The article of Amendment is the document which is also called Certificate of Amendment. It is supposed to file with the state of incorporation to request any change you want, including your company’s incorporation or qualification.

Do I Have To Notify The IRS Of A Name Change?

There is no need to inform IRS about the change directly. However, it is imperative to report it to the Social Security Administration (SSA) before filing the tax return.

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