Excise Tax Return Preparation And Filing
Our Excise Tax professional team will help you prepare and file timely return. Filing is a time-sensitive process and requires some of the following:
1. Identifying if business or activity falls within any Excise Tax category.
2. Once liability is determined, we assist in completing the Excise Tax return by gathering all the necessary information about the business, sales, purchases, and any applicable exemptions or credits. We utilize this information to calculate the amount of Excise Tax.
3. We fill out the Excise Tax return form accurately and completely. For US Excise Taxes, Form 720, also known as the "Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Return" is utilized and semimonthly payments are made. After completing the form, we review the file with the business owners and submit it to the tax authority. The filing method may vary depending on the type of Excise Tax and business structure.
4. We request to make payment if business owes Excise Tax along with the return and maintain proper records of Excise Tax returns, supporting documents, and any correspondence with the IRS. These records should be kept for a specified period as required by the IRS.