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Internal Audit Services


CPA CLINICS Can Help You Save Money And Time

Internal Audit

Our team of Certified Internal Auditors (CIAs), Chartered Accountants (CAs), and Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) are here to assist you with your internal audit needs.

The audit services are designed as independent activities to avoid conflict of interest and biased reporting. Assurance and consulting add value and enhance the organization’s operations.

We provide both outsourced and co-sourced models of services.

Outsourced Model

We provide the complete internal audit team. We have experienced and professional teams of CIAs, CAs, and CPAs with a combined experience of over 100+ years. Given that it is our core service, our cost is, on average, at least 70% less than what you would have paid if you had an in-house internal audit team. We take care of everything, from the development and implementation of the audit methodologies to the testing and evaluation of the internal control system.

Co-Sourced Model

With this model, our team of experienced internal auditors works hand in hand with the company’s internal auditors. An ever-increasing number of businesses use the co-sourced model to close gaps and meet their internal auditing needs.

Benefits You Can Expect From Outsourced And Co-Sourced Models

Cost Saving: Significant, ongoing costs associated with bonuses, benefits, and training are eliminated.

Operations Enhancement: A team of CPA CLINICS’ certified internal auditors provides an organized and streamlined process. We work to stay in regular contact for better ongoing efficiency and easier preparation for future audits.

Relieve Your Audit Staff: There may be times when you are short on key team members due to holidays or other reasons. Internal audit outsourced and co-sourced model work as the ideal solution for everyone.

Access Highly Specialized Knowledge: CPA CLINICS can help you save money.  Hiring and sustaining your company’s own internal control audit team is not necessary, as you have CPA CLINICS. We can provide on-demand staff with specialized knowledge for the specific engagement.

Enjoy Flexibility: We are here to help, we have a team of certified internal auditors to manage your entire company’s internal auditing and financial service needs.

Gain Independent and Objective Insights: CPA Clinics helps provide independence and objectivity.



Types of Audits

Financial Audit

Independently assess the company's financial data for its fairness, reliability, and accuracy.

Operational Audit

A systematic and independent internal control service to evaluate corporate activities. Financial data can be used; however, the primary sources of evidence are the policies and results.

Department Review

Current period analysis of administrative functions to evaluate the adequacy of controls, safeguarding of assets, efficient use of resources, compliance with related laws, regulations, and policy, and integrity of financial information.

Information Systems (IS) Audit – General Controls Review

This type of audit might involve a security software tool, an operating system, reviewing a data centre, processes and procedures (such as the procedure for controlling production program changes), etc.

Information Systems (IS) Audit – Application Controls Review

This includes controls' review over the input and application data output. Data correspondence issues, program and information security change control, and data quality issues are also considered.

Information Systems (IS) Audit – System Development Review

An assessment of a new application system's development includes an evaluation of the development process and the product. Consideration is given to the overall controls over a new application, mainly if a new operating environment or technical platform will be used.

Integrated Audit

Integrated audit has fundamental component, operational audit, IS audit, application controls review, and department review. It's a comprehensive assessment of business functionality.

Investigative Audit

The investigative audit is focused and covers the suspicious activity in an internal audit report.

Follow-up Audit

These audits are conducted approximately six months after an internal or external audit report has been issued. They are developed to analyze real action that has been taken on the audit issues reported in the original report. When these follow-up audits are performed on external auditors' reports, the follow-up results may be sent to those external auditors.


After Trial, Option To Continue With Unbelievable Price Starting $150 / Month

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Price Depends On Number Of Entities / Subsidiaries And Volume And Complexity Of Transactions 

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Our Experience

CPA CLINICS follows the Institute of Internal Auditing (IIA) standards and provide premium internal control audit services for areas including but not limited to:

Scope of work generally includes

♦ Execution of the risk-based audit plan.

♦ Drive the work on time, within the agreed budget, following audit methodology, and agreed on quality standards.

♦ Identify control opportunities and weaknesses for improvement in the current environment providing recommendations for corrective action.

♦ Prepare and communicate audit results. Take assistance from our internal audit services team to issue reports for the Group of Committee and Executive Committee with recommendations on the governance, risk, and control environment.

♦ Monitor ongoing enhancement of audit procedure and techniques through observance to documented measures and standards (best practices) confirming steadiness of working practice and excellence of associates.

♦ Help senior management to understand the internal control expectations, understand their duties, and use the required protocols while complying with the laws.

Internal Audit

What Is The Role Of An Internal Audit?

The Internal Audit validates that the company’s risk management, internal control processes, and governance are operating efficiently.

What Are 3 Types Of Audits?

There are three main types of audits:

  • ♦ External Audit
  • ♦ Internal Audit
  • ♦ Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Audit

The Certified Public Accountant / Chartered Accountant firms usually perform external audits.

What Are Internal Audit And Its Types?

The internal Audit is based on:

  • ♦ Compliance Audits
  • ♦ Operational Audits
  • ♦ Financial Audits
  • ♦ Information Technology Audits
How Is Internal Audit Done?

Internal Audit can be done through documentation review, interviewing, and observation. This depends on the auditor if they want to carry out one or use all methodologies to complete the internal Audit.

Who Performs An Internal Audit?

Internal Audits are performed by the company’s staff or contractors. However, external auditors are hired after the shareholder’s vote. 

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