Seller's Permit Application

Let us help you by getting the Sellers Permits or Sales Tax Id for you while you stay focused on your business.

We know, what you Need

We know which business needs what type of permit. We will also consult the state department as well regarding your business permit type and will get one for you.

Let Us Help You

Provide us all the necessary details by filling up a simple form and we will create your application for you and submit it to the state department.

Forget Worries with Us

With us, you don’t have to worry that things will not be submitted according to your desire. We are professional and we know how to get you your required document.

Why Choosing CPA CLINICS Is the Right Choice

Do you need Seller’s permits or State Sales Tax ID?
We Can Get You Any! We are ready to take your project in hand and execute your application to get you your required document quickly.

Experienced Staff
We have experienced staff and they are ready to create an application for you that can get you your required document in no time.

Best Work Guarantee
We are fast and we are experienced. With us you can assure yourself that your paperwork is done right is submitted to the right office.

Trustworthy and Professional
Each state has a different requirement for the application, so don’t go and search for your state requirements while you can hire professional services.

Keep your Focus on Your Business
You just keep your focus on your business and assure yourself that you will get your documents real fast.

What Is A Seller's Permit?

A seller's permit gives authority to a business to collect sales tax for the state. If you are a seller and your products are subject to state sales tax, then you need to have seller's permit before you start collecting sales tax for the state. However, the seller's permit is applicable for one per state. For example, if you have a business in New York State and California State, then you must have a separate seller's permit for each state. Companies with goods and services subject to sales tax are working as a disinterested parties for the government. They collect the sales tax from their goods and services and send it to the state.

Financial Management

A seller's permit, also called a certificate of authority, business tax account, retail license, sales tax license, or vendor's license is usually issued by the state Department of Revenue. The Department of Taxation, Department of the Treasury, The Secretary of State, or Board of Equalization issues seller's permits in some states.

What Types Of Businesses Need Seller's Permits?

The rules and regulations on the goods and services applicable for sales tax vary from state to state — some of the sales tax goods include liquor, appliances, clothing, and electronics. Several states charge sales tax on restaurant bills, personal services like hair salons, leasing of some products and services, and equipment repair and installation. Let CPA CLINICS help you determine if your state requires sales tax on the products or services you provide. CPA Clinics will help you figure out, and if sales tax is applicable on your products or services, we will apply for a seller's permit for you on your behalf.

Note: There are only five states in the United States that don't impose sales tax, so there is no need to have a seller's permit if your business is located in these particular states. States with no sales tax levy are Delaware, New Hampshire, Oregon, Alaska, and Montana. However, Montana and Alaska states allow local government to enact their own sales tax.

Difference Between A Seller's Permit And A Resale Certificate?

You might think that a resale certificate is just another name for a seller’s permit.

Many people think a “Resale Certificate” is equivalent to a “Seller’s Permit.” Both are different, and a business that buys goods to sell them should have both Seller’s Permit and Resale Certificate.

How Can CPA CLINICS Help You?

CPA Clinics can help you obtain the seller’s permit in no time. A Prerequisite is your business essential information. Just give us a call, and we will send you a simple questionnaire form, fill it out and resend us.

Key Takeaways

Seller’s Permit: Allows businesses to collect sales tax from customers and pay to the government.

Resale Certificate: Allows businesses to avoid taxes while purchasing goods to sell them again.

For example: If a business buys something from another company to resell them to individuals or other companies, it must file for the resale certificate to avoid the taxes on items purchased to resell. And for the same business having the seller’s permit authenticates the company to become the intermediary between consumer and government to collect sales taxes from consumers and pay to the government.

Another example: If you buy a table for your office, it is taxable; when you buy it to sell it in your furniture store, it is tax-exempt; until you sell it and the buyer pays the sales tax, based on the sales price of the table.

The government authenticated agency can issue both seller’s permits and resale certificates. You need to check with the state taxing agency in the state where you are procuring goods for onward sale to crisscross if it is dissimilar from the state where you trade goods.

Some states also accept a resale certificate issued by the other state; some require you to register by providing your seller’s permits and Employer Identification Number (EIN). Some need you to first to get the seller’s access, then apply for the resale certificate.

Seller's Permit

What Is In An Annual Report?

An annual report is a document which a company provides to shareholders to inform them about financial conditions. It consists of the graphic charts of the company’s profit and loss and an accompanying narrative that chronicles its past year activities.

What Are The Components Of An Annual Report?

An annual report should summarize, equity position, profits, cash flow, liabilities, and assets of a business. The annual report is based on:


  1. Financial Statements
  2. Chairperson’s Report
  3. Management Discussion and Analysis
  4. Financial Statements Notes
  5. Financial Summary
  6. Independent Auditor Report
What Is The Annual Report For LLC?

LLC’s annual report is also known as the statement of information. The annual report gives important information since the last filing period about your business to the state.

How Do I Make An Annual Report?

You need to have all the pertinent information to document the annual report:

  1. Shareholder’s Letter
  2. General Description Of The Industry
  3. Include Audited Statements Of Income
  4. State Your Financial Position
  5. Give Details About Cash Flow
  6. Statements Notes

If you don’t know how to put all the above details together, then you can hire CPA CLINICS services to prepare your annual business report.

How Do I Find A Company's Annual Report?

Generally, you can find the company’s annual report on the company’s website. You can find the company annual report in their investor’s information section if they are providing this detail.

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